About Us: Dedicated to Conservation and Sustainable Development in the Manu Rainforest

Our Mission: Promoting Experiential Learning and Conservation in the Peruvian Amazon

We pioneer experiential learning and educational tourism at Manu to support conservation and community projects in the Peruvian Amazon to create a better and safe future.

 We believe that promoting biodiversity understanding and its conservation through visits, internships and  educational tours is the most effective way to support large scale rainforest conservation and community empowerment. But unfortunately we face a major challenge.

The Challenge: Addressing Biodiversity Threats in Manu Rainforest

Manu is the most biodiverse place on Earth, but it’s under threat.  Poverty and population growth drive people to destroy the rainforest through logging, farming and mining as ways of providing for their families.

To save Manu, sustainability has to be a realistic choice for local communities.  That is why Crees is working on the solution through conservation research, environmental education and sustainable livelihoods.

Our Solution: Empowering Local Communities for Sustainable Development

We believe that the local people of Manu must determine their own future. Our role is only to provide sustainable choices, so that they are empowered to drive social, economic and environmental change within their own communities.

By visiting Manu rainforest with Crees as a guest, intern, or tourist you become a key important part of the solution because you will be helping to support this vital conservation and community work to protect the Amazon rainforest and empower its people.

Meet Our Team: Experts Committed to Conservation and Community Empowerment

Quinn Meyer

Owner and Founder

An American/British Anthropologist, Quinn has spent over 18 years working in Manu to find solutions to environmental degradation by working with scientists and community members to build a sustainable path to forest usage and management. He serves as the treasurer of the Latin American Travel Association and serves as an advisor for several charities working in education, conservation and health.

Juan Carlos Cárdenas

Crees Manu - General Manager

He has 30 years experience working in the Amazon Rainforest, specialising in eco-tourism since 1993. Juan Carlos was born in Cusco-Peru and has worked in many parts of the south america rainforests, from Tambopata National Reserve to Manu National Park.

Sergio Goizeder

Experiential Learning Coordinator

Biologist from the Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco. He has many years of experience in identification and monitoring of fauna and flora species from dry and humid forests, and small mammals from southern Peru.

Graduated with a master’s degree in ecology and environmental management, with extensive experience in the monitoring of species as well as in the training of people in rainforests. Experience in monitoring and guiding groups. He has participated in research projects with camera trapping, telemetry and with projects that allow the evaluation of different types of species.

Geanela Airan Cusihuaman Rojas

Crees Administrator

Geanela has a Bachelor of Administrative Sciences from the National University of San Antonio Abad del Cusco, with knowledge in sustainable finance acquired in the program of the Climate Change Financing Group of Latin America and the Caribbean. She is responsible for the streamlining of company processes and ensuring all areas work in harmony to ensure the successful operation of the company. 

Yuli Perca Melo

Head of Operations

Yuli has been part of the Crees Manu team for several years, starting in logistics and evolving into the Head of Operations. Her dedication, work ethic, and leadership skills have been key to the success of our projects in the Manu Biosphere Reserve.

With her charisma and contagious happiness, Yuli inspires those around her, creating a positive work environment. She is a key figure in the organization, committed to Crees Manu’s success and to conservation and community development. We deeply value her and trust in her leadership

Verónica Torres

Accounting Manager

She has a degree in Accounting with a master’s degree in taxation from the San Antonio Abad National University of Cusco. She has extensive experience in labor, accounting, and tax issues, and in projects related to Crees activities.

Daniel Ash

Multimedia Coordinator

Wildlife photographer and filmmaker from the UK. Coming up to 8 years of experience, with 4 in the tropical humid rainforest within Peru. He specialises mainly in birds and mammals, and his favourite project is leading expeditions to see the Harpy Eagle! 

He has contributed to numerous guides and eco-notes. Experienced in camera trapping, using his self built DSLR camera trap. In 2020, his photo and video project of nesting Blue & Yellow Macaws was shown in a TV Perú livestream to over 7.1 million people. Recently in 2024, he was awarded a prize at the World Wildlife Conservation Film Festival for his short film about our mascot Gavina, the three toed sloth. His portfolio can be found on danielashphotography.co.uk

Jhendy Mancilla

Sales Executive

Has a professional degree in tourism, and technical studies in tourist guiding, with experience in the public and private sector. Her sensitivity, love of the environment, and concern for sustainability led her to work as an ecotourism guide in the Tambopata Reserve and Manu National Park. She is currently Sales Executive at Crees Manu, promoting the Manu Biosphere Reserve’s protection and sustainable development, as well as raising awareness among all of our visitors.