Birdwatching in the Peruvian Amazon can support the protection of wild species by directly funding the conservation of birds’ natural habitat in Manu Biosphere Reserve.
Every 5 January, it’s National Bird Day and here in the remote Amazon rainforest we love nothing more than to celebrate our feathery friends.
The Manu Biosphere Reserve where we’re based is a thriving haven for bird life and one of the most biodiverse places on Earth.
Our research monitors the impact that tourism and habitat destruction is having on parrots and macaws, while our Amazon Birder tour promotes sensitive and sustainable wildlife-watching ecotourism.
We believe that birdwatching holidays can make a huge contribution to the protection of wild populations, if done right. That’s why all our wildlife-watching tours directly fund our conservation and sustainable development projects in the Amazon.
Why go birding?

We believe that birdwatching is open to everyone – it’s simply about appreciating the rich diversity of life on Earth, while becoming captivated by bird behaviour and their impressive life history.
By learning and understanding more about bird life, you can develop a greater appreciation of the interconnectivity within the natural world and what birds can tell us about the health of the environment.
Our Peruvian bird guides are passionate about sharing their expert knowledge and helping you tick off your life list.
A highlight for many of our guests is watching the flamboyant behaviour of Peru’s national bird, the bizarre looking Cock-of-the-Rock.
Our trips are about enjoying the pure beauty of the natural world on a journey that will take you through a diversity of habitats – from mountain wetlands, down through cloud forest and into lowland rainforest.
Through education and appreciation, we can preserve the natural habitat of birds and other wildlife into the future.
What’s National Bird Day all about?

National Bird Day was launched by the Born Free Foundation, an international wildlife charity, to raise awareness and action for the protection of birds.
According to Born Free, nearly 12% of the world’s 9,800 bird species may face extinction within the next century, including nearly one-third of the world’s 330 parrot species. These are devastating figures, but there is hope and ecotourism can form part of the solution.
For many countries, bird watching forms an important segment in local and national economies. In the United States, about US$82 billion is spent every year by 48 million birders on bird watching trips and equipment. Imagine what a tiny proportion of those funds could achieve in Manu Biosphere Reserve.
We are passionate about providing ecotourists with incredible wildlife-watching tours in a way that directly supports the conservation of the rainforest and helps improve the lives and living standards of local people.