Thinking about this year’s holiday? Join the sustainable movement…

Discover how sustainable tourism can make a positive difference to people and nature, making your travel choices a part of the solution.

Has anyone ever told you that you’re one in a billion?

According to the UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), 1.2 billion people travelled internationally in 2015. It’s ever on the increase and by 2030 is estimated to double. That’s over two billion people, spending over $2 trillion, travelling all over the globe.

The travel and tourism industry is exploding. It accounts for 7% of worldwide exports, one in 11 jobs and a whopping 10% of the world’s GDP. It’s one of the world’s fastest growing industries.

Sustainable tourism can have a positive impact in developing countries by combating poverty and protecting the environment. If well designed and well managed, the tourism sector can be used as a powerful and transformative force for good: economically, socially and environmentally.

Volunteers planting saplings in Crees’ community biogardens to help families’ tackle their children’s malnutrition

The UNWTO has designated 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism: a year dedicated to making tourism a global force for good.

UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, stated that the International Year is a:

“unique opportunity to build a more responsible and committed tourism sector that can capitalize its immense potential in terms of economic prosperity, social inclusion, peace and understanding, cultural and environmental preservation”

Here at Crees we’re thrilled it’s the International Year of Sustainable Tourism.

We live and work in the Peruvian Amazon to help create a sustainable future for the Manu Biosphere Reserve through research, education, community and ecotourism – tours, volunteering and internships.

With deforestation and unsustainable exploitation of the rainforest (such as illegal logging, slash and burn farming and cattle ranching) on the rise, Manu faces a daily struggle of survival. Together with the people of Manu, we are proving that sustainable farming (such as agroforestry) vastly improves their health, wealth and happiness, while protecting their incredible rainforest home for future generations.

We’ll be showcasing the amazing wildlife and cultural riches of the Manu Biosphere Reserve at this year’s Adventure Travel Show

Tourists can actively get involved with our conservation projects – from bird watching at sunrise, to tracking puma prints through the 25km of rainforest trails.

Yet Crees tours also provide a deeper understanding of the complex issues affecting Manu and its people. Our scientists on the ground provide evening talks that put our sustainability and conservation work into context and explain how the foundation helps to protect Manu.

We hope our tours have a profound impact on our visitors so that they become ambassadors for rainforest conservation and spread awareness.

The Lelieveld family (pictured above) recently went on our Manu Classic tour. Paul shares his experience:

“I think it’s very interesting to see what the scientists are working on […and] to learn how the forest recovers from a lot of human destruction. This jungle here has now been recovering for over 11 years and in some parts even longer. This message, that the jungle can recover, is a very important one to convey in the world. It’s crucial that more people know about the work that’s going on here and especially about the message that’s been created. It is key to the survival of the jungle and the natural world.”

Here at Crees we’re passionate about sharing this message with the world and are heading to be at the Adventure Travel Show in London this coming weekend, 21st-22nd January.

We’re representing the incredible Manu Biosphere Reserve – come along and discover the wonders Manu has to offer. Become part of the sustainable movement…